Monday, August 20, 2007

A Date With the Lord at Starbucks

Sometimes I find it really hard to be able to concentrate and focus when I'm trying to study my Bible. I get caught up at home with chasing my 2-year-old around and babying up my 6-month-old that studying takes a backseat. If I'm not dealing with them, then I'm tempted to lazily watch television or grab my Sony PSP and attack Gitaroo Man Lives!

My best friend always had this trend of going to Starbucks and studying. I always thought he was weird until I actually went and tried it out myself. The chairs are so comfy and the atmosphere is cozy.

This past weekend around 10pm, I took my 6-month-old to Starbucks with me. As she lay happily tucked away in lala land in her carseat, I was on a date with the Lord. I popped on my MP3 player, took out my Bible, and had one of the most rewarding experiences ever.

I just want to share some of the passages that came to mind while I was on my date with God.

1. Obeying God - I learned that if we do not obey the Lord he CAN and WILL cancel his promise to you. You are not under God's protection when you step outside of His will and are walking in disobedience. We have a way of trying to play God and actually stepping around him and messing things up worse for ourselves. Sometimes we may even fall in so deep, that we are not awarded the original blessings that He had intended for us.

2. Testing (Trials and Tribulations) - Testing comes. Don't despise the discipline. You can't get around it. Ezekiel 21:13. We sometimes get upset when God tests us. We think that He's out to get us. Don't ever believe that. The Lord wants only the best for us, and we are tested meerly to build our faith up. He wants to see how much we truly believe in Him. Testing tends to show you your strengths and weaknesses. So just stand firm during testing in all things. The Lord will NEVER put more on you than you can bear. If you are dealing with temptation, he'll always provide a way out so LOOK FOR IT. Don't just assume that you CANT!

3. Fools - Don't bother talking sense to fools; they'll only poke fun of your words. Proverbs 23:9. This verse is oh so true. To me the fool in this case is the unbeliever. My exboyfriend wasn't saved (notice I said EX. That's a whole 'nother blog for a whole 'nother day). Anyhow, when I tried to explain to him that I was fasting, he couldn't understand it. He mocked it and called it dumb. On a seperate occasion, he even went as far as to say that GOD isn't perfect, but followed that up by saying that GOD had saved him from two overdoses and two bad car accidents. Now my question is: how could he not be perfect after all of that? My point in all of this is: don't expect people who are of the world to understand you. You are IN this world, but you are no longer OF this world once you are saved and have a personal relationship with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Mmm God, there is so much power in that name. I love to say it.

These are just a few topics that came up during my rendezvous with the Lord. More to come later. I'd like to close this post out in prayer.

"Heavenly Father. I come before you Lord just saying Thank You. Father, thank you for waking me up this morning and allowing me to see another day. Father thank you for keeping me out of harms way; from all the seen and unseen dangers. Father thank you for allowing me to know that NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS that I can count it all joy. Father, I just pray that anyone who reads this blog will feel free to post their thoughts Lord, and I hope that the words that you gave me will truly bless someone. Father, I pray that you keep me safe on my travel home Lord, and keep my children and I throughout the night, God. So once again Father, thank you. I praise your HOLY name. In Jesus name I pray. Amen amen Amen."

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Be blessed

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