Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Wanting a Mate, and Waiting on the Lord

As a SINGLE Christian woman I find my hardest struggle is waiting on the Lord to bring me my mate. Proverbs 18:22 states, “HE who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the LORD.” Not SHE who finds a good husband. This leaves me to believe that God will send that man to find me.

I find that having a relationship with God is a lot deeper than most may think. Some think you can just say, “Oh I love the Lord” and leave it at that. Nuh-uh *shaking head*. Sorry to say, but it doesn’t work like that. Let me explain how your past can actually affect your relationship with God.

Growing up, I didn’t have a very good relationship with my father. I still don’t have a good relationship with him. He was never there to show me how I should be treated by a man, or what kind of men to avoid. I grew up basically going through relationships trial-and-error style. I’ve had more damaging relationships that I can count. The end result of those damaging relationships is damaged trust.

I found myself with men that I couldn’t trust, but I stayed with them for fear of being alone. It wasn’t until this last relationship that I got out of that I realized that my relationship with the Lord isn’t as strong as it could/should be because my trust had been damaged over the years, starting with my natural father. I realized that it was time to let go and let God. Only He could fix the hurt that I was feeling. So I decided to turn to Him and Him only. I’ve decided to proclaim that day Bulk Day. The day the Lord started getting rid of my junk, and the Lord has a lot of junk to get rid of inside of me.

I also realized that sometimes God has to fix some things in us before he would even allow that person he designed for us to even come into our lives. Why would He let that person in your life if you’re not capable of sustaining a relationship. Trust me, God has this all worked out. He had it worked out long before we even existed. Nothing is new to him. He knows our struggles.

Proverbs 3:5 says “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.” To be honest, that’s pretty much what building a relationship with the Lord, finding a mate, or any other problem you may have starts with. Trusting and believing that God can do anything is what you build your foundation on. Faith. Unadulterated faith.

Juanita Bynum said it best “you want to be married, but you’re not divorced from all those other people you’ve been with…” This is called a soul tie. Soul ties are created when we give ourselves to people other than who God had assigned to us. That’s a whole ‘nother story for a whole ‘nother blog. I’m not too sure about soul ties, so I’ll have to read up on the topic a little more and pray on it before I share anything on it.

Let me get back to the subject at hand, wanting a mate.

This weekend, I had a revelation; a definite eye-opener. As I stated in my previous posted blog, I went on a date with the Lord to Starbucks. I had such a wonderful time, but not just then, my WHOLE weekend was blessed and relaxed. Well Saturday night I got an overwhelming urge to pray. So I went in my room, dropped to my knees and just started to thank God. As I continued to pray, I got so worked up and overwhelmed that I began to cry. They weren’t tears of sorrow. They were tears of JOY. I had never felt this way before. I got so happy that my prayers just turned into “thank you God, thank you, thank you…” My revelation was this: I realized that although I wanted a mate, it was not a necessity in my life. I had to fall in love with GOD first, and on that night I believe that’s exactly what I did, and after just one date. LOL…God is the man, isn’t he?

To my single Christian brothers and sisters, please do NOT give up on God. I know we feel like we NEED a man or woman in our lives. We feel like we need someone to just need us. God can fill in that gap better than any man or woman can. Fall in Love with Jesus. Psalm 37:4 says “delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Let go of all your inhibitions and just roll with him. He will never let you down. He’ll never break your heart. He’ll never lie to you. He’ll always comfort you. He’ll make sure your bills are paid. He’ll make sure your family is fed. He’ll keep your car running. He can be your EVERYTHING; just let Him.

Now I’m not going to perpetrate like I still don’t have the thought of, “man I wish I had a boyfriend” every now and then because then I’d be lying. The thought steps in, but I just push it right out of the door. The key is not to let those thoughts consume you. Trust in God, and everything else will fall into place.

Let me close out in prayer:

“Heavenly Father, I come before you Lord just saying thank you, Father. Thank you for all you have done in my life, doing in my life, and everything that will take place in the future. I know that “our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us” (Romans 8:18). I trust in you Lord to provide all of my needs, Father. I trust in you Lord to send me my mate when you feel that I am fully capable of handling such a great blessing. Father God, I pray for anyone who is struggling with being single, Father. I pray that you show them that you are “the way, the truth, and the life…” (John 14:6). I pray that they will eventually find complete comfort in you. Father, I pray that this blog will bless those who read it. Continue to bless me, Father. Continue to protect me and my family, Lord, and all the readers; cover our households, Father. Thank you once again for everything that you do in my life, seen and unseen; working for the greater good. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.”

Feel free to comment or leave topics to discuss. I appreciate any feedback.

You can also hit me up on MySpace: www.myspace.com/soflyyohmygod

Be Blessed!!!

Until next time…

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